The BCCI has announced the Indian team for the two-match Test series to be played on the West Indies tour. While on one hand many young players have been given chances for this tour, on the other hand Sarfaraz Khan, who is in tremendous form, has once again been ignored by the team management.

Let us tell you that Sarfaraz Khan has been demanding a place in Team India for a long time, but the selectors are not giving him a chance. 25-year-old Sarfaraz Khan has recently shared a video after not getting a place in the Test team, in which he has vented his anger on the BCCI in gestures.

Actually, Sarfaraz Khan has shared a video on the story of his Instagram account, which is a total of 45 seconds. The highlights of his batting are visible in this video. During this, he has put the song Manjar Hai in the background. At the same time, Sarfaraz wrote ‘One Love’ in the caption.

In such a situation, it is believed that Sarfaraz Khan is angry due to lack of selection in his team. The lyrics of the song that he has put on the picture are, The goal is to get in every situation.

Let us inform that Indian cricketer Sunil Gavaskar is also disappointed before Sarfaraz Khan is ignored. He recently said that Sarfaraz Khan is averaging around 100 for the last three seasons. What more does he need to do to make it into the team? He may not get a place in the last playing-11, but he should have been selected in the team.

WATCH: Sarfaraz Khan reaction after not getting select in Team India

If we talk about Sarfaraz Khan’s first class performance, he has scored 3505 runs at an average of 79.65 while playing a total of 37 matches. At the same time, Sarfaraz has 13 centuries and 9 half-centuries in the first class.

By Ritik Sharma

A common man who is doing calm se kaam, a failed cricketer, still in love with it. Establishing my journey into Journalism & if you love my articles then share it with your dear ones Instagram - @ritiksharma45