Author: Shivanshu Chauhan

A Professional Cricketer for past 4 Years for the teams of Lucknow and CISCE. He keeps an eye on all the Cricket insights which sometimes professional journos lack. He Keeps the wicket on the 22 Yards and takes care of the board meetings over here. No Official Statements go off from the website because of him. He keeps you updated by breaking News both in English and Hindi.

कोरोना वायरस के खिलाफ कई क्रिकेट दिग्गजों ने मदद को हाथ बढ़ाएं

क्रिकेट कोरोना वायरस महामारी से प्रभावित होने वाला सबसे ताजा खेल है । COVID 19 का प्रकोप अब 512,701(डब्ल्यूएचओ के माध्यम से 27 मार्च को अद्यतन), मामलों तक पहुंच गया…