The last match of IPL 2023 has happened in which Chennai Super Kings won and defeated Gujarat Titans by 5 wickets. During this, Dhoni’s fans feared that after this last match, he would announce his retirement. However, Dhoni turned his fans’ disappointment into happiness.
Dhoni said- ‘If I announce my retirement, it will be very easy, but I will train more for the next nine months and give gift to my fans and try to play in the next season as well.’
Captain Cool said- ‘You are looking for the answer to my retirement’ If you think this is the best time to announce my retirement, but wherever I went this year, I got a lot of love and affection. I think it is easier to announce my retirement by saying thank you. At the same time, it will be difficult for me to work hard for another nine months and try to play in the IPL for at least one more season.
However, it all depends on my body. It will take 6-7 months to decide this. This will be a gift from me to my fans. It is not easy for me, but there has been so much love and affection that I feel the need to do something for it.
He said- ‘My eyes are filled with tears. I need some time I have realized that my fans love me the way I am. Maybe because I don’t try to present myself as anything else.’
WATCH: Dhoni made his fans tension into happiness