Former Indian cricket captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni recently launched the audio and trailer of his Tamil production venture, “Let’s Get Married.” The event took place in Chennai, and Dhoni’s wife, Sakshi Dhoni, accompanied him.
During the event, the couple was seen having a great time, and their pictures and videos quickly went viral on social media.
However, it was Sakshi’s statement that caught everyone by surprise. She mentioned that she knows some inappropriate words in the Tamil language. Dhoni, without hesitation, swiftly responded to clarify the situation. Let’s delve into Dhoni’s reply to Sakshi’s statement.
Dhoni, during the launch, talked about the making of his first film production. In his speech, he expressed his deep connection with Chennai. Having been associated with the Chennai Super Kings IPL team since 2008,
Dhoni stated that Chennai held a special place in his heart, it was in Chennai where he made his Test debut, and he has cherished the city ever since. In the midst of his speech, Sakshi was also spotted having a great time on stage.
Sakshi Dhoni’s revelation about her knowledge of inappropriate Tamil words immediately grabbed attention. Without delay, Dhoni clarified that he had not taught his wife any such words in Tamil. The couple, sharing a light moment, were seen laughing and enjoying the interaction.
WATCH: Dhoni reply on her wife response
The event showcased the couple’s camaraderie and their ability to find joy in simple moments. Dhoni and Sakshi have always been an intriguing duo, captivating fans with their down-to-earth nature and loving bond. Their relationship has withstood the challenges of fame and success, and they continue to inspire many.
As the video clips and images of their interaction continue to circulate on social media, fans appreciate the couple’s playful nature and their ability to bring laughter to each other’s lives. Dhoni’s quick response demonstrated not only his wit but also the understanding and harmony within their relationship.
In conclusion, the launch event of Dhoni’s Tamil production venture became a platform to witness the couple’s endearing bond. Sakshi’s statement about knowing inappropriate Tamil words sparked a playful exchange, further showcasing their strong connection.
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As Dhoni continues to make contributions to both cricket and the entertainment industry, this light-hearted moment reminds us of the charismatic and fun-loving individuals they are outside the field.