Racial allegations is the most trending topic in the sporitng world currently. We all have witnessed cases of racial allegations in the recent past. This time, Michael Vaughan, the former England captain has been suspended by the BBC after racial allegations by Azeem Rafiq which was made before a county match way back in 2009. The BBC Sports editor, Dan Roan announced the news through twitter .
Reportedly, Michael Vaughan has made some racial allegations on Azeem Rafiq
After the Azeem Rafiq’s Racial Allegations, the former Pakistani player Naved -ul- Hasan backed him up who played for Yorkshire at that time. Hasan told the news agency that he heard the former English captain making racial allegations.

BBC issued the statement on the suspension of the former England Skipper
A detailed statement has been released by the BBC, stating that they would refuse to ignore the racial allegations. The BBC channel has added to left out the former England captain as the presenter on Monday the episode of the Tuffers and Vaughan show to maintain the integrity of the show.
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“The BBC takes any allegations of racism extremely seriously. The allegation against Michael Vaughan pre-dates his time working for the BBC, we were not part of the investigation conducted by Yorkshire County Cricket Club and we have had no access to the subsequent report. We have made the editorial decision that Michael won’t appear as a presenter on 5 live’s Tuffers and Vaughan Show on Monday. The show focuses on discussions around current cricketing matters and given his personal involvement, we need to ensure we maintain the impartiality of the program”, the spokesperson said.

Racial Allegations have shook the Cricketing World in Last Few Months
The new episode of the racial allegations has resulted in the downfall of the Yorkshire County cricket club as they fail to investigate the Vaughan’s severe case. The England cricket board has decided to suspend the Yorkshire Cricket Ground from hosting the international games for the indefinite period. The Yorkshire club chairman has also resigned from his position.
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Michael Vaughan denied any such incident on his statement
Michael Vaughan has been denying the racial allegations. Vaughan, writing in his column for The Telegraph, wrote that the investigation report alleged he told Rafiq and two other Asian players that there were ‘too many of you lot, we need to do something about it.’
The former England captain, Michael Vaughan has told that he does not read those comments. Vaughan has stated that he evidence has been found and the racial allegations are found to be surprising.
What’s next for Michael Vaughan following Racial Allegations?
Well for now, things seem quite unsetelled but ECB is set to conduct some Internal Enquiry upon the same to make sure about the incident happenned almost 12 years back. However, with the current situation not only this case but also all the other incidents that have been reported will taken into the enquiry mode in order to make sure that game is free from all thesr kinds of stuff that hurts the sentiments of the cricketers, also making sure that further strict laws to abadon such culture to a larger extent.
Check This Out :Â Let’s Recall The Salman Butt- Michael Vaughan Spat happenned few days back
Edited By : Devansh Awasthi